Hel­lo, I’m Tor­ni­ke from Geo­r­gia.  I have com­ple­ted my bache­lo­r’s degree at the Iliau­ni uni­ver­si­ty of art histo­ry and scien­ce. This year I will volun­te­er at the kin­der­gar­ten „Weso­łe Nut­ki“. My hob­bies are tra­vel­ling, dra­wing, liste­ning to music and dan­cing. I would be deli­gh­ted to teach chil­dren the art of dra­wing and han­di­craft, play acti­ve games with them, popu­la­ri­ze a heal­thy life­sty­le and Geo­r­gian cul­tu­re.
My short-term goal is to learn Polish. My long-term goal is to beco­me a teacher, so I belie­ve, that this pro­ject will pro­vi­de an inva­lu­able expe­rien­ce for me.