
I’m Nico and I’m from Cora­to, Ita­ly. I have com­ple­ted my Bache­lo­r’s degree in Phi­lo­so­phy from Uni­ver­si­tà degli stu­di di Bari Aldo Moro and I almost fini­shed my Master’s degree in Phi­lo­so­phi­cal Scien­ces. I’m a new volun­te­er at the kin­der­gar­ten. I joined this pro­ject for a period of six mon­ths.  My hob­bies are wri­ting sto­ries, play­ing bass guitar, sin­ging and taking pic­tu­res. For this pro­ject I will teach the kids ita­lian tro­ugh games, craft and sport . Also I would like to intro­du­ce phi­lo­so­phy to chil­dren in a very easy way. My stren­ghts are patien­ce, acti­ve liste­ning, cre­ati­vi­ty, pro­blem solving skills. My short-term goals are to learn Polish and to know as much as I can abo­ut polish cul­tu­re. And my long-term goal is to live abro­ad and teaching phi­lo­so­phy. I real­ly think this pro­ject will be fun­da­men­tal for my growth and I hope to enjoy it completely