🇩🇪❤️🇵🇱Hel­lo, my name is Mer­le and I am 19 years old. I come from Ber­lin and gra­du­ated from high scho­ol this year. In my free time I enjoy play­ingWię­cej →

Hel­lo we are Lena and Char­lot­te two volun­te­ers from Ger­ma­ny. We work in octo­ber and the begin­ning of novem­ber in the kin­der­gar­ten. We pre­pa­re theWię­cej →

🇬🇪❤️🇵🇱Hel­lo, I’m Tor­ni­ke from Geo­r­gia.  I have com­ple­ted my bache­lo­r’s degree at the Iliau­ni uni­ver­si­ty of art histo­ry and scien­ce. This year I will volun­te­er at the kin­der­gar­ten „Weso­łe Nut­ki“.Wię­cej →

Hel­lo, I’m Ele­na! On this day we talk abo­ut tech­no­lo­gy with chil­dren. Thro­ugh apre­sen­ta­tion abo­ut the tech­no­lo­gi­cal trans­i­tion, the chil­dren were able to see howWię­cej →

Hel­lo, I’m Ele­na! On this day the chil­dren were able to learn a lit­tle more abo­ut mycoun­try. During the pre­sen­ta­tion, the chil­dren saw some pic­tu­res ofWię­cej →

Hel­lo, I’m Ele­na! This day we were making a gift for grand­pa­rents to cele­bra­teGrand­pa­rents’ Day. The gift con­si­sted of a pho­to of each child with a fra­me thatWię­cej →