Hel­lo, I’m Ele­na! Here are some pic­tu­res of an acti­vi­ty I did with the class Kro­pecz­kiduring the Chri­st­mas season. The chil­dren made a Chri­st­mas tree using the­irWię­cej →

Hel­lo! My name is Ele­na, I am 22 years old and I am Spa­nish. I have lived all myli­fe in Madrid with my parents and my lit­tle bro­ther. ThisWię­cej →

ACTIVITIES DURING MARCH (aktyw­no­ści w mar­cu) In March we welco­med spring by giving a gre­at con­cert. The four gro­ups (ldots,  frogs, bees and owls) sang songs andWię­cej →